Tuesday, November 29, 2011

LILAC Project Invites Participants

We are looking for students at Georgia Southern University to participate in an IRB-approved research study being conducted by Dr. Janicr R. Walker and Dr. Adrienne Blackwell-Starnes.  Please see the flyer at http://personal.georgiasouthern.edu/~jwalker/LILAC/LILAC.pdf for complete information.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

IRB Application (finally!) submitted!

I have (finally!) submitted the IRB application for a pilot study of the LILAC Project at Georgia Southern University.  Adrienne (Katt) Blackwell-Starnes has also joined me as Co-Investigator on the Project.

I will be presenting on the LILAC project at CCCC in St. Louis this spring, on a panel with Rebecca Moore Howard and Sandra Jamieson of the Citation Project, and I have been invited to submit an article for Sandra and Tricia Serviss's upcoming book collection (and Katt has agreed to co-author it with me!).

I have also received approval from my Department Chair to purchase/borrow the following equipment and software for the pilot study when approved by the IRB:

2 - laptops (one will be kept in my office, and one in Katt's)
2 - licenses for Camtasia Studio software (to be installed on laptops)
2 -  headsets with microphones
1 - 2T external hard drive

I've posted a copy of the IRB application to the LILAC Wiki, along with the sample videos I posted previously, and a draft of a forthcoming article on the LILAC Project.  After the pilot study, I hope to pursue grant funding to expand the study; I'll be sure to post any information/applications for that as well.

Exciting times!

Monday, October 17, 2011

While this talk was directed to librarians, I REALLY think our students should see it as well.  Very well done.  Kudos, Joyce.

Joyce Valenza, "See Sally Research" on TED Talks

Monday, September 19, 2011

Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy - This weekend!!

THIS weekend is the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy in Savannah.  Some highlights include:  Keynote speaker Mike Palmquist; free post-conference Citation Project workshop, with Sandra Jamieson as the extraordinary workshop leader.

Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2011 Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy

Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy, September 23-24, 2011, Savannah, GA.
Register for the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy before 9/5/2011 to get the early registration discount!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Deadline Is May 30!

Final reminder: The deadline for submissions for the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy is May 30!

This year's keynote speaker is Mike Palmquist, Associate Vice Provost for Learning and Teaching, Institute for Learning and Teaching, Colorado State University. The conference is hosted in the historic district of downtown Savannah, September 23-24, 2011.

For more information, see the Call for Proposals at http://ceps.georgiasouthern.edu/conted/infolitproposals.html or email me. I'm happy to answer any questions.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Citation Project: The Movie

Some of you may have read the Inside Higher Education article about Rebecca Moore Howard and Sandra Jamieson's recent presentation at CCCC about the Citation Project (http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2011/04/11/study_of_first_year_students_research_papers_finds_little_evidence_they_understand_sources).  The actual video of the presentation is available online at http://www.viddler.com/explore/yscmcgraw-hill/videos/48/?secreturl=81189253

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Extended deadline: Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy

We have extended the deadline for proposal submissions for the Georgia Interational Conference on Information Literacy until May 30, 2011.

Mike Palmquist will be this year's keynote speaker. You won't want to miss it!

For more information, please visit our Web site at http://ceps.georgiasouthern.edu/conted/infolit.html .

Monday, March 07, 2011

Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy

Call for Proposals
Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. September 22-24, 2011

Deadline: April 15, 2011
Location: Coastal Georgia Center in the historic District of Savannah

Please submit your proposal via the website. The online submission link of the website will provide all of the information you need to create and submit a proposal.


For more information, contact:
Janice Reynolds

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011 Graduate Research Network at Computers and Writing Conference

The Graduate Research Network at the 2011 Computers and Writing Conference invites you to join us! We need presenters and discussion leaders. GRN discussions are informative, exhausting, and not to be missed. Please spread the word! http://class.georgiasouthern.edu/writling/GRN/2011/index.htm

Follow the links for information about the CW/GRN Travel Grant Fund as well.  Apply for a Travel Grant, or donate to the fund if you can.

Hope to see you there!