Sunday, March 16, 2014

LILAC Project Seeking Partner Institutions

The LILAC Project is now seeking partner institutions to join us.  If you are interested and will be in CCCC in Indianapolis, Thursday, March 20, 2014, jcome to our panel, D.01, 3:15-4:30pm, in the JW Marriott, 1st Floor, Room 205.

Copies of our IRB application and letter of approval, Call for Partner Institutions, Instructions for Partner Institutions, and other relevant materials are available at at

Contact for more information about the LILAC Project.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

ACRL Seeks Feedback on Draft Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

I hope some of us can respond to this important work.  In the request for feedback, ACRL Senior Strategist for Special Initiatives Kara Malenfant notes that

      Since the publication of the first standards [in 2000], the information environment has evolved into a fragmented, complex information ecosystem that demands greater sense-making and metacognition from the student. To better equip students to navigate, understand and contribute in this dynamic information ecosystem, the task force determined that move from the traditional standards model to a Framework was needed to allow for more creative and integrated information literacy learning outcomes. The new Framework seeks to address the interconnected nature of the abilities, practices and dispositions of the student, moving away from the hierarchical and formulaic approach of the current standards.
Comments are requested by 5pm central time, Tuesday, April 15, 2014. To access the Framework and the link to the Survey Monkey form for comments, please visit the Web site at