Friday, June 05, 2009

LILAC Project Meeting at Georgia Conference for Information Literacy

For those of you who will be attending the 2009 Georgia Conference for Information Literacy, we are on the program!

Our meeting is scheduled for 5:30pm on Friday, September 25, 2009. I hope you will be able to attend!

In the meantime, don't forget to post here and/or to to our Wiki if you have ideas, resources, or anything else you would like to share on this important project. I hope to post more soon. I've been working on a draft for a grant proposal and, of course, drafts of IRB materials.

Hope to hear from you all soon!


  1. Hello, I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Beth Martin the Instructional Technology Librarian at Johnson C. Smith University. I am on the information literacy team and I am very excited about this group.

    We recently hosted 2 focus groups (on the library in general) and received some good feedback from our students. We also plan to include faculty in this process. We also created a new curriculum for our Freshman Orientation. The Orientation will focus on information literacy through the lens of "The History of JCSU". We are very excited this 1 hour course was approved. Keep your fingers crossed. We are experimenting with new 2.0 and online instruction as well as traditional classroom work.

    If you have any suggestions please let me know and I look forward to meeting you in Savannah.

  2. Hello, Beth, and welcome! I look forward to meeting you in person at the Conference!

  3. Hi, Margaret. We're happy to have you read along, and of course we'd be happy for any comments or feedback you might have as well!
